Policy for Safe and Responsible Gambling of EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED

As a Supplier for gambling games and remote gambling equipment, EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED, Bulgaria (as defined hereafter as “EGT DIGITAL MALTA”) promotes responsible gambling and encourages all of the visitors to https://malta.egt-digital.com (as defined hereafter “Website”) and users of the services offered via the Website who wish to game and gamble through third party Gambling Operator’s websites, to do so responsibly.


For the purposes of this policy a „Player“ means: individual over the age of 18 who gamble with real money through gambling website operated by licensed Gambling Operator which is client of EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED and uses our remote gambling services.


What we do?


We supply worldwide to Gambling Operators: casino games; lottery games, digital marketing services, maintenance and support.


We want you to enjoy gambling, but to always do so wisely.


  1. Compliance with laws worldwide


1.1. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED provides services only in jurisdictions where the use of online gambling services is legal.


1.2. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED has internal procedures and rules for checking all its counterparties in connection with the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, also for compliance with the relevant remote gambling legal requirements.


1.3. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED and all of its counterparties activity is always compliant with the gambling laws of the country where the Player reside in.


1.4. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED provides all the Gambling Operators as users of its services with tools for blocking forbidden territories where online gambling is prohibited.


  1. Gambling Addiction Problem


2.1. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED focuses on gambling addiction and its effects on an individual’s life. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED provides resources that allow Players of the relevant Gambling Operators to exempt himself/herself from all play and access to remote gambling for a predetermined period.


2.2. Gambling addiction is a disease like any other, and it requires the right treatment. This, as a global understanding, has led to the provision of resources, both internationally and locally, to help everyone struggling with it. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED highlights things Player can do to avoid falling into gambling addiction and how to identify it as follows:

  1. A) Responsible gaming in the responsibility of all players


This is one of the most crucial concepts that Players should understand as it reflects directly on their relationship with the activity. It is easy to get lost in the fun, relief, and entertainment that gambling offers, and Players might not notice the extremities. The best way to avoid addiction is the Player to be proactive. Here are some methods that have been proven to work:


  1. Defining a budget


Player’s expenditure budget should feature how much Player can spend on leisure, in terms of money, time, and resources, and what percentage goes to gambling. This way, Player do not have to stop playing, but Player can pace himself/herself according to the budget.


  1. Continuously check


Defining how much Player is willing to spend on gambling is only useful if Player follows through with it. Thus, Player should continuously check in on his/her progress and adherence to the set standards. Player must always take time to go through his/her deposits and track how much time Player spends gambling.


  1. Reminders


Player can use alarms to get him/her out of the game and back to reality.


  1. Temporary stop


Player can look at it as a vacation from the gambling world.

  1. B) Signs Player May Be a Gambling Addict


Here are some questions Player can ask himself/herself:


  • How do you feel about the prospect of quitting? Is there reluctance? Do you think you will be okay without gambling?
  • Have you ever tried stopping? How did that go?
  • Do you ever abandon other responsibilities to gamble?
  • When do you gamble the most? What is your state of mind in those moments?
  • Have you ever lied to people you love so you can gamble?
  • Do you spend more than you intend to on gambling? Has this led to borrowing and falling in debt?
  • Is there an urge to recover the money you lose by playing more?
  • Are there moments when gambling does not offer the excitement, relief, and satisfaction you need it to? Has this caused you to increase the time and money you spend gambling?
  • Do you share your gambling experiences, both losses and wins, with loved ones? If not, what drives you to this need for privacy in this area of your life?
  • Does gambling affect your moods? If yes, what effect does this have on your performance in tasks, both at work and at home?
  • How would you define what gambling means to you? Is it a fun activity or a distraction from other problems?
  • Have you ever sacrificed an essential expense to gamble? How did you feel about that?

These questions offer a starting point for determining whether a Player is addicted to gambling or not. Often, the answers lead to more answers, and they might lead to more questions. As such, Player should consider answering them in writing.


  1. C) Where Player can get help


Healing from gambling addiction is an intentional process that requires constant recommitment from the Player. There are various options, both online and offline, that offer confidentiality, and Player can be honest about the problem. These include:


  1. Anonymous groups


Internet platforms such as Bettors Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous offer resources and tools to help Player walk the healing journey. This is one of the many sites that give Player with access to information on local meetings and other useful resources.


Anonymous groups give the chance to be vulnerable, which is a crucial part of getting over the gambling addiction. In them, gamblers express their greatest fears, hopes, dreams. These spaces allow Player to speak anything he/she wants, when he/she wants, without uncomfortable prompting or unnecessary input.


  1. Helplines


Besides anonymity, helplines are free, and they can be a place where Player speak his/her mind or learn more about what he/she is going through. BeGambleAware is one such resource, and it provides not only extensive information on gambling but also a listening ear at the end of the line in case Player needs to voice some things.


  1. Professionals


Talking to a therapist might feel like exposing himself/herself and letting someone see the parts Player doesn’t like, but it is part of the process. They guide Player towards discovering why is addicted to gambling. This process involves unpacking some of the responses Player wrote down and defining how best he/she can deal with it.

Most times, gambling addictions indicate other problems, and facing them is a great way to fight the addiction. Gambling therapy addresses both the addiction and the causative factors. This way, when Player is healed, then Player have a better chance of staying in a good place for longer.


  1. Family and friends


The people who love Player, those he/she trusts, know him/her best and are a crucial part of getting over Player’s gambling addiction. You might have seen family and friends having interventions for those they love, and while this is meant for good, it can feel intrusive.

Player must look for a couple of people who make him/her feel comfortable enough, to be honest. Vulnerability and openness are foundational elements of healing from gambling addiction.


  1. Websites


Websites such as Substance Abuse and Mental Services Health Administration (SAMSHA) offer services in multiple languages to ensure that anyone who needs help receives it in the highest possible quality. They also provide a carefully crafted list of resources that Player can use when dealing with gambling addiction.


  1. Legal age for gambling


3.1. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED services are provided to Gambling Operators with integrated tool for checking who the Player is. It does this for three main reasons:

  1. A) to check Player is old enough to gamble. However, the age at which gambling/gaming is legal under the law or jurisdiction which applies to Player varies worldwide.
  2. B) to check whether Player has self-excluded from gambling.
  3. C) to confirm Player’s identity.


  1. How to gamble responsibly


4.1. In order to gamble responsibly Player should remember the following:

  1. A) Gambling is a form of entertainment. It is not a way to get rich quickly and pay off debts.
  2. B) Gambling is not a way to make money, most gamblers actually lose money.
  3. C) Player must never wager more than he/she can comfortably afford to lose.
  4. D) Never wager with funds that Player needs to use for his/her day to day living expenses.
  5. E) Player must place limits on the time he/she spends gambling, and/or the amount Player gamble each week, and/or the number of deposits in Player’s account each week, and/or the amount Player can afford to lose each week.
  6. F) Players need to be aware of how to stop gambling before it becomes a big part of Player’s life. Trustworthy gambling sites of EGT DIGITAL MALTA’s clients include some safeguarding measures such as the following, so look out for these in advance:

– Set a deposit limit: Player can choose a capping amount daily/weekly/monthly and his/her account won’t let Player surpass this.

– Player can apply a cooling-off period: where he/she can apply a pay-to-play restriction on Player for a certain amount of time.

– Player may see profit and loss graph: see at-a-glance his/her ‘winning’ and ‘losing’ months through an easy-to-understand infographic.

– Self-exclusion or self-ban: choose to exclude Player’s account from all/selected services for an amount of time (normally there is a minimum time set).


  1. Scams and frauds


EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED is a legitimate and legally compliant business for providing remote gambling services. Unfortunately, criminals pretending to be legitimate gambling businesses may try to steal Pleyer’s identity or take his/her money. Thus, Player must be aware of the potential for scams and frauds and check the business of the Gambling Operators where Player is gambling with is licensed. EGT DIGITAL MALTA LIMITED always performs a check whether our clients which are Gambling Operators have issued remote gambling license from competent authority into the relevant jurisdiction.


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