
Hosted Cashier

We provide intuitive and easy-to-use cashier components that are desktop and mobile responsive and fully customizable for your needs. These include a testing sandbox, integration widget, payment methods management, and localization. At the same time, they are bonus campaign friendly, responsible gambling friendly, and support AML checks, KYC checks, deposit rollover checks, and bonus completion checks. Our Payment Gateway is PCI-DSS certified to ensure the highest security standard of card data.


Discover benefits tailored to your specific needs that will unlock your full gaming potential.

Sandbox environment

Seamless testing, independent evaluation and monitoring.

PCI-DSS certified

Highest security standard for your customers’ sensitive information.

Effortless integration

Responsive, simple and secure integration widget or iFrame.

Compliance checks

AML, KYC, deposit rollover, and bonus completion verifications.

Related Modules

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